Edge of Darkness

By Jove Belle

Friends to Lovers Romance

Diana Collins charges at life with an irreverent comment and a right hook, but even her hard-headed attitude may not be enough to protect her heart...or her life.

As a senior investigator for a high-end insurance company, Diana searches for the person responsible for the theft of several rare weapons. Diana struggles to protect her burgeoning relationship with kindergarten teacher Cami Michaelson, as the investigation leads her into a bitter world of rage and revenge. Diana uncovers one damning piece of evidence after another that challenges everything she knows about right and wrong. She finds her hard-driving work ethic, which demands the thief be held accountable, at odds with the desire to protect her new friend, Ali Sandoval, who is caught in the center of the conflict. As Diana is drawn deeper into a dark subculture of sex, power, and death, Ali must choose between vengeance and peace as she struggles to escape with her sanity intact.

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In Deep Waters 2

By Radclyffe and Others

Games of chance, games of passion, games of love—roll the dice for a week inLas Vegas with games mistresses Radclyffe and Karin Kallmaker. Whether a public table or a back-room invitational, the players want to score and everybody can't wait to go all in.

A pit boss who thinks she's seen it all thinks again. A convention planner finds hotel hospitality is on the house. Romance novelists discover that high stakes can yield to extreme passions, if they're willing to call each other's bluff. The risks and rewards of Las Vegas inspire more than one couple to let it ride. Double down? Inside bet? How about a little insurance when the dealer has the upper hand?

Choose your game, ante up, and enjoy the floor show. All bets are off when these two writers deal the cards, and every hand is a winner.

Winner, Lambda Literary Award!

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Love on Location

By Lisa Girolami

Good girls/Bad girls
Big City
Workplace Romance

Power, money, and fame spell happiness—at least in the movies. Hollywood film producer Kate Nyland has it all, including her gorgeous movie star girlfriend, Hannah Corrant. Amid the excitement of shooting multimillion dollar movies and being photographed by the ever-present paparazzi after a glimpse of Hannah, Kate is reminded continuously that her life couldn't be better. That is, until she arrives in Florida to begin shooting her next film. There she meets Dawn Brock, a beautiful, deeply spiritual artist, who sets off sparks that Kate can not allow to ignite. But just how can she quell what burns so intensely and seems impossibly unavoidable? And what will happen when Hannah arrives in town for the movie shoot? From behind-the-scenes rendezvous to center stage passions, Kate discovers that love on location doesn't always follow the script.

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Thirteen Hours

By Meghan O'Brien

Enemies to Lovers Romance
Good girls/Bad girls
Workplace Romance
Close Quarters

Can you fall in love in thirteen hours?

It's her birthday but lonely workaholic Dana Watts is at the office late, drafting a proposal. The very last interruption she expects comes in the form of the most beautiful breasts she has ever seen. These belong to an incredibly hot woman, who is standing in front of her, stripping to music.

Laurel Stanley performs strip-o-grams to pay her way through school. She has never encountered a more ungrateful recipient than Dana. The uptight project manager makes it clear that she is furious to be distracted from her work by the gift a colleague sent and equally appalled by Laurel's occupation.

After Dana is rude and insulting, and insists on escorting Laurel from the building, the two women take an elevator ride that changes everything. Stuck with each other for thirteen long hours after the elevator breaks down, they discover how wrong first impressions can be and how right two strangers can feel together.

Can everything change in less than a day? Dana and Laurel set out to discover if their passionate elevator encounter can mean more in this fast-paced, erotic story of lust, loneliness, fantasy, and desire.

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Deal with the Devil

By Ali Vali

Federal Agents
Financial gap/Class disparity
New OrleansĀ 
Cain Casey Series | Book 3
Good girls/Bad girls
Children / Families

It's business as usual for crime boss Cain Casey as she maneuvers to form an alliance with the Jatibon organization and secure peace among the ruling families in New Orleans. Cain's new associate Remington Jatibon is a lot like Cain used to be—a playgirl with a passion for bedding beautiful women and an even greater passion for expanding her father's empire, on both sides of the law. When Remi meets Dallas Montgomery, a budding actress working for the studio Remi's father has just acquired, she finds that there is more to Dallas than is included in her press pages.

Meanwhile, on the home front, life is anything but routine as Cain and Emma hope to conceive another child. Little do they know an old enemy is about to surface bent on revenge on Cain, and what better way than to take what Cain values above all else—her wife.

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Heart of the Matter

By KI Thompson

Ellen Webster, professor of history, can't help but fantasize about her next-door neighbor Kate Fosterafter all, she sees her on the evening news every night.

Sexy and smart, Kate is Ellen's dream girl, but the dynamic TV newscaster doesn't know Ellen exists. Struggling with self-doubt and low self-esteem, Ellen can only watch the parade of beautiful women Kate brings home. But a rainy night and near tragedy change everything when Kate is involved in an automobile accident and turns to Ellen for help. Withdrawing from the world, Kate comes to depend upon Ellen for far more than she realizes until the day Ellen tells her that she is leaving on sabbatical.

Ellen and Kate's journey leads them beyond the transitory nature of superficial beauty to the true splendor of the love they hold in their hearts.

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Naked Heart

By Jennifer Fulton

Can two women who trust no one risk all and trust each other?

Raised by a single mother on the wrong side of the tracks, Unity Vaughan has fought for everything she's ever achieved. Now, having made a breakthrough discovery at her biotech company, she finds her business a target for industrial espionage and a hostile takeover. She needs an expert to watch her back and spy on her enemies, which is how she finds herself in a bizarre nightclub trying to hire a woman with a flogger in one hand, a camera in the other, and a pair of corseted twins fondling her body.

Penn Harte makes her living the way lots of former CIA agents do, selling her unusual skills to the highest bidder. Lately she's also been doing her best friend Lila a favor by helping out in Lila's upscale fetish club. When Unity approaches Penn with an offer to work for her, Penn can't believe her luckshe's already been hired by Unity's biggest enemy, who wants a blackmail tape. Penn figures she'll have Unity, the perfect subject for seduction, on film in a compromising position within days. The problem is, Penn doesn't know if she can see Unity as just another job.

Power, passion, sex, and danger drive a high stakes plot in this gripping erotic romance.

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By Julie Cannon


Two strangers collide on an empty country road...accident or fate?

Political strategist Rachel Stanton, jaded and disillusioned by the scratching, clawing, and mudslinging of the campaign trail, books a week at the Springdale Ranch for a much-needed vacation. Springdale sounds like just the place to exorcise unhappy childhood memories and straighten out her head. Shivley McCoy has spent the last four years casting out her own painful past, working and sweating to make her ranch a successful business venture. She has nothing in common with fast-living Rachel Stanton, and after their inauspicious first meeting, is quite certain she'll never see her again.

Shivley is thrown when she comes face-to-face with Rachel among her group of new arrivals, and sparks of a most unexpected sort ignite.

We have to stop meeting like this. People might talk.

And what would they say?

That we're madly in love and can't bear to be apart.

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Shadow of the Knife

By Jane Fletcher

The Celaeno Series | Book 5
Good girls/Bad girls
Other Worlds
Police / Cops

Militia rookie Ellen Mittal is well aware that the world cannot be reduced to simple questions of black and white, but she has no idea of just how complex and dangerous her life is about to become. The most vicious gang in the Homelands, led by the infamous Butcher, is extending its operations to Roadsend. By her oath as a member of the Militia, Ellen is sworn to uphold the rule of law, no matter what the cost to herself. But as the body count starts to rise, Ellen finds her task made all the harder by a wall of silence from ordinary citizens, a commanding officer with her head in the sand, and the attentions of an attractive young farmer who is probably not who she claims to be.

Ellen must work out who to trust, because if she gets it wrong she might easily lose her heart, or her life.

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To Protect & Serve

By VK Powell

Police ProceduralĀ 
Police / Cops
Workplace Romance
Women in Uniform
First Responders
Coming Out
Virgins/First Love

To protect or serve—a choice no detective should ever be forced to make.

Lieutenant Alex Troy is caught in the paradox of her life—to hold steadfast to her professional oath or to protect the woman she loves. Assigned to the Vice/Narcotics Division, Alex is given the dangerous but career-building mission of catching notorious and elusive drug lord Sonny Davis. She has to assemble the perfect team of officers to pursue the man suspected of killing numerous coeds—and a friend of Alex's—with the poison he peddles.

Keri Morgan is young, enthusiastic, and alive in ways that Alex can barely remember, and Keri has a reason of her own to want Sonny Davis dead. Before justice can be served, Alex and Keri are caught in a web of love, duty, vengeance, and desire that will change both their lives.

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By Ronica Black

An Erin McKenzie Mystery | Book 2
Women in Uniform
Police / Cops

Happiness. Love. Desire.


Former homicide detective Erin McKenzie couldn't be any happier with her new life and her fiancée Elizabeth Adams--until the not so distant past comes knocking at the door. Erin's former colleague Detective Patricia Henderson--a woman both she and Liz have intimate ties to--shows up with a fresh crime scene photo that looks all too familiar. The victim is an actor who works for Liz's movie production company, and Liz had argued with the young man on more than one occasion.

Erin can't believe it's happening again. The new murder resurrects old questions, and when Liz all but sends her packing, Erin can't help but wonder what her lover is hiding. Lost, alone, and frightened, Erin is once again caught in midst of it all, and no matter how hard she fights it, she's where she never thought she'd be...deeper.

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The Lonely Hearts Club

By Radclyffe

Second Chance at Love
Medical Romance

Take three friends, add two ex-lovers and several new ones, then mix with more secrets than any of them know--and the result is a recipe for explosive rivalries and incendiary romance. Attorney Liz Ramsey thought she had everything--a devoted partner, a challenging job, and plans for a family in the making. Unfortunately, her life takes a turn, and she ends up alone and in the kind of trouble she never dreamed of. Then she bumps into--literally--young surgeon Reilly Danvers, and life gets even more complicated. Liz's two best friends offer all the support she needs, but they have secrets of their own. Candace Lory, a high-powered commodities trader and swinging playgirl, meets her match when she hooks up with corporate attorney, Parker Jones. Brenda Beal, the only member of the group who hasn't slept with every available woman, prefers to fantasize about a perfect lover, especially if she's obedient and willing to do anything Bren orders. A surprise birthday outing and a dashing, dark-eyed submissive transform Bren's fantasies into reality and her dark secrets into delicious pleasures.

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Venus Besieged

By Andrews & Austin

Richfield & Rivers Mystery Series | Book 3

Why can't Teague Richfield and the love of her life, psychic astrologer Callie Rivers, get away together without the otherworld following them?

Teague and basset hound Elmo head for Sedona and the sensual arms of Callie Rivers, but their romantic reunion is interrupted by unearthly forces and a dangerous journey into the metaphysical realm. A provocative female shaman from Callie's past involves the duo in shape-shifting, disembodied attacks, the murders of Native American women, and a spiritual battle that takes place on a level even higher than the mystical red rocks of Sedona.

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Branded Ann

By Merry Shannon

No pirate on the high seas is more bloodthirsty than the notorious Branded Ann, a woman with eyes like ice and a face marred by a mysterious cross-shaped scar. When she raids a merchant vessel bound for Jamaica, her only objective is to obtain the map that will lead her to a legendary treasure. But she hadn't bargained on taking Violet, the merchant's young widow, on board her ship as a prisoner. In spite of her childlike appearance, Violet has a dark side of her own that Ann finds both infuriating and endearing.

As Branded Ann sails in search of treasure, her task is made more difficult by a stowaway child, an increasingly rebellious crew, and the treacherous seas of the Devil's Triangle; to make matters worse, she finds herself falling for her not-so-innocent but altogether charming captive. But will Violet be able to overcome the demons of her past and accept Ann's love? And will they survive the treasure hunt that has already claimed the lives of so many before them?

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Learning Curve

By Rachel Spangler

Ashton Clarke, a local Casanova with a long history of falling into bed with a different woman every night, is perfectly content with her free and easy existence until she gives in to her best friend's request to spend an evening helping out at the local gay and lesbian youth center. There, Ash meets Carrie Fletcher, a women's studies professor who not only intrigues Ash but causes her to question the direction her life has taken. As if this disquieting attraction isn't aggravating enough, Ash is forced to deal with Carrie's teenage neighbor Tess, whose bad attitude and biting wit seem to complicate every situation. Ash doesn't want to be attracted to Carrie, who isn't looking for a relationship with anyone, and Tess is angry at the world, but especially, it seems, with Ash. Despite resistance on the part of all three women, it soon becomes obvious that the trio's destinies are hopelessly intertwined and the lessons in store will change all their lives.

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Fully Involved

By Erin Dutton

Women in Uniform
First Responders
Children / Families
Holidays |

A love that has smoldered for years ignites when two women and one little boy come together in the aftermath of tragedy.

An early morning hotel fire turns out to be anything but routine, and firefighter Reid Webb's best friend and partner, Jimmy Grant, dies. Guilt-ridden and grieving, Reid feels responsible for her partner's young son, Chase. She would do anything for him, even if that means spending far too much time in the company of the woman she's harbored feelings for since high school. Isabel Grant doesn't know anything about raising children. But when she returns to her hometown to assume custody of her orphaned nephew, she gets a crash course. Isabel's struggle to keep her footing in the midst of chaos is further complicated by her growing attraction to Reid, a woman whom Isabel blames for her brother's death.

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Heart 2 Heart

By Julie Cannon

Women in Uniform
Police / Cops
Medical Romance
Second Chance at Love

When love is more than a matter of the heart...heartbreak may be unavoidable.

In the aftermath of a shattering personal loss, Detective Kyle Bain buries her pain in the routine of fulfilling her professional and family obligations. When she meets Lane Connor, the owner of a popular restaurant on the shores of the Pacific Ocean who is struggling with a broken heart of her own, the chance for happiness suddenly seems possible. As Lane and Kyle take the first tentative steps toward rebuilding their lives and exploring the attraction between them, Kyle makes a shocking discovery about the woman she is coming to love. Can Kyle and Lane find a way to heal the damage that threatens the fragile ties that bind them, heart to heart?

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Place of Exile

By Rose Beecham

Jude Devine Series | Book 3
Police / Cops

The Four Corners is the perfect place for people escaping from something, and Sheriff's Detective Jude Devine is no exception. But Jude can't afford to dwell on her past—she has too much to think about in the present.

Local benefactor and reclusive millionaire Fabian Maulle has been found murdered. The Aryan Sunrise Stormtroopers are planning a ricin attack on the Telluride Film Festival. The feds have hit town and the sheriff wants Jude to liaise with Aidan Hill, the Special Agent in Charge. But Hill is a straight arrow who thinks Jude is a slacker. Their working relationship is only made worse by a mutual lust neither is willing to acknowledge. Jude is also losing sleep over a friend, Sandy Lonewolf Lane. Sandy, a former paratrooper, is stalked by her past. She's called the Four Corners home since the suicide of her lover, whose son was killed in Iraq. Sandy is planning to assassinate the vice president of the United States, and her determination to carry out her mission, and Jude's to stop her, draws the two women into a lethal game of cat and mouse.

If all that weren't enough, Jude faces a personal dilemma when Dr. Mercy Westmoreland's marriage to actress Elspeth Harwood gets shaky, and Mercy comes looking for consolation.

Book Three in the Jude Devine Mystery Series

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