A girl meets girl, girl meets ghosts, funny, fast-paced thriller stretching from the streets of London's theatre-land to the sand dunes of Provincetown.
When Tony Carson wakes to a pretty drag queen perched on her chest of drawers, she thinks she's dreaming. But it's Tony's powers that have awoken, and the ghosts just won't leave her alone.
Struggling with the mystery surrounding the death of her father, attractive herbalist Maya Silva needs Tony more than she knows, and it's not just for her supernatural detecting.
Dark storms are brewing and Tony's about to discover the spirit world can be a very dangerous world indeed...
The Supernatural Detective
A Supernatural Detective Novel
Tags International Setting , Private Investigator , Multicultural , Actors/Artists , Magic , Amateur Sleuths , Big City , Friends & Community , Provincetown , People of Color
- Release Date
- ISBN-13 978-1-60282-900-8
- SKU 9781602829008e
- File Formats epub, pdf