From Toothpick House to The Raid, Lee Lynch has given us our most heart-touching stories of lesbian life. Join her again in Morton River Valley when Texan Paris Collins comes to town and gets to know the characters from the acclaimed Morton River Valley trilogy.
Paris Collins changes jobs and homes every two years. Always, she leaves behind an astonished lover who refused to believe that Paris would move on. Now she's taken a job in a dying New England industrial town where she meets Peg Jacob, a tempting local from an old Yankee family. Paris gets caught up in protecting the town from environmental threats and education budget cuts. And in protecting an angry gay kid from an impoverished, frightened and angry town. Does she also want to protect herself from Peg Jacob?
Morton River Valley
The Morton River Trilogy | Book 2
Tags Friends & Community , Small Town Romances , Financial gap/Class disparity , Blue Collar
- Release Date
- ISBN-13 978-1-60282-857-5
- SKU 9781602828575e
- File Formats epub, pdf
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