Naomi lives an almost idyllic life in Jamaica. She has a daughter who adores her, a close-knit community that looks out for its own, and paradise as her playground. But she secretly longs for the touch of other women. It is a longing she finally gets to satisfy during a trip into the tourist heart of Jamaica. When she surrenders to the seduction of a compelling stranger, however, she is savagely transformed into Belle, a ruthless beast whose hungers know no bounds.
Now Belle is part of a vampire clan, reveling in an existence that lays bare the dark hungers within every soul. Part of her hates her new world, but another part glories in it and in the explosive sexual connection she shares with the powerful head of the clan. But as magical as her new world is, it also has its dangers. Dangers that threaten the people she loves.
2015 re-release
Every Dark Desire
The Desire Series | Book 1
Tags Good girls/Bad girls , Close Quarters , Enemies to Lovers Romance , People of Color , Friends & Community , International Setting , Multicultural
- Release Date
- ISBN-13 978-1-62639-505-3
- SKU 9781626395053
Paperback & eBook Bundle
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