Some mornings, Sara Chambers wakes in bed next to her girlfriend and her girlfriend's lover wondering how she ended up there. Beautiful, successful, and a force to be reckoned with at her Atlanta law firm, Sara is still powerless in her attraction to the rebellious and reckless, Rille Thompson.
As college girlfriends, Sara and Rille's relationship had been incendiary, burning away Sara's innocence and self-respect even as it widened her world beyond her wildest imagination. Now, almost twenty years later, Rille still pushes Sara beyond her limits, bringing a third lover into their bed and domestic lives when their monogamy gets stale. The hold Rille has over Sara--and their new lover--becomes as powerful as it is dangerous. Can Sara pull herself free in time, or will her life turn to cinders in the wake of Rille's powerful flame?
Broken in Soft Places
Tags College Life , Multicultural , Second Chance at Love , People of Color , Reunion Romance
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Broken in Soft Places
- Release Date
- ISBN-13 978-1-60282-915-2
- SKU 9781602829152e
- File Formats epub, pdf
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