As the heat of violence rises, so does passion.
A gunshot meant to end the legacy of the Casey Clan has left a weakened Cain fighting to regain control of her business while trying to protect her heart from the woman who left her. Threatened from every side, Cain must unleash that devil to protect all she holds dear. One by one, Cain faces her enemies and discovers the truth of who was behind one of the greatest losses of her life. Only this time she might not have to carry the burden of leading the family alone—if she is willing to take a chance on love again. But can she trust Emma not to run as she did once before when faced with the dark parts of the Casey family leader?
The Devil Unleashed
Cain Casey Series | Book 2
Tags Financial gap/Class disparity , Gangsters , Federal Agents , New Orleans , Good girls/Bad girls
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The Devil Unleashed
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- ISBN-13 978-1-60282-328-0
- SKU 9781933110615e
- File Formats epub, pdf
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