Night Call

By Radclyffe

A PMC Hospital Romance | Book 2
Medical Romance

All medevac helicopter pilot Jett McNally wants to do is fly and forget about the horror and heartbreak she left behind in the Middle East, but anesthesiologist Tristan Holmes has other plans.

When Jett comes home from the war and destruction in the Middle East, flying and the adrenaline rush of a crisis are the only things that make her happy, and she volunteers to fly night call where all the action is whenever she can. So maybe once in a while she takes a few chances. Hey, that's life, right? 

Dr. Tristan Holmes is an expert at two things—high-risk anesthesia and pleasing women. Tristan gave up expecting anything other than a good time from the women in her life a long time ago, and casual relationships are the perfect prescription for stress release. She doesn't do relationships, so she can't quite understand why it bothers her when Jett makes it clear she doesn't want one. High-stakes medical drama, life on the edge, and love in the fast lane—it's all just routine for Night Call.

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Cooper's Deale

By KI Thompson

Small Town Romances

Two would-be lovers and a decidedly inopportune murder spell trouble, no matter which way the cards fall.

Nothing ever seems to go right in Addy Cooper's life. She loses her job in California when her boss is arrested for importing Russian brides and exporting bootleg copies of yet-to-be-released movies. Her partner, upon hearing that Addy is unemployed, dumps her for the butch UPS delivery driver. And to top it all off, the grandmother who raised Addy and Tommy, her mentally disabled brother, dies suddenly when a piece of space debris the size of a Kenmore dishwasher lands on her, killing her instantly.

Returning to the small town she grew up in, Addy is forced to support herself and Tommy by taking on boarders. Her life appears to be returning to normal until she finds herself caught between two love interests, both of whom suspect her of murder. What more can go wrong? Plenty.

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By Nell Stark

College Life

Love is thicker than blood.

When Yale student Sarah Storm comes out to her parents, they disown her and withdraw all support for her education. A few days later, Sarah's long-term girlfriend breaks up with her and Sarah loses everything that matters—family, future dreams, and love. Forced to leave Yale with only the contents of her dorm room and a boat of a car bequeathed to her by her grandmother, Sarah scrambles to get her life back on track at the University of Rhode Island. Burying her hurt and disappointment, Sarah throws herself into both her classes and social life. But no one she meets is quite as intriguing as Rory, her new—and apparently straight—roommate. When it becomes clear that her attraction to Rory is mutual, however, Sarah begins to fear that history will repeat itself and she'll end up alone.

Will Sarah be able to put aside the betrayals of those she loved and trust again? Or will the consequences of her own coming-out experience get in the way of a new chance at happiness?

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Passion Bay

By Jennifer Fulton

Moon Island Series | Book 1
Second Chance at Love

Two women from different ends of the earth discover passion in paradise—a passion threatened by secrets and impending disaster.

New Zealander Cody Stanton loses her lover of five years, and then her job. But there’s a silver lining. Someone in admin made a mistake and her severance check is $100,000 instead of $10,000. She rashly decides to take the money and run, and Moon Island seems like the perfect hideaway.

Annabel Worth has just inherited the island, a tiny women-only resort, from an eccentric aunt. She travels there determined to uncover secrets long hidden by her very proper Bostonian family, but soon finds herself distracted by an attractive guest.

Both women are burdened with secrets that could destroy the passion that ignites between them. When Hurricane Mary strikes, each must make a choice that will change her life forever. 

Originally published 1992; first Bold Strokes Books edition.

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Saving Grace

By Jennifer Fulton

Moon Island Series | Book 2

Cute, confused, self-conscious, and emotionally vulnerable. It’s almost too easy.

Scientist Grace Ramsay takes one look at the young woman limping into the villa next door and decides Dawn is just what she needs: a distraction. Tasked with evaluating Moon Island for a chemicals giant looking for a waste dump far from civilization, Grace feels increasingly uneasy about her job. She usually responds to stress by having good sex, and it sure looks like Dawn could use a confidence booster, given the scars she’s so sensitive about.

After surviving a hurricane on Moon Island a year earlier, champion swimmer Dawn Beaumont vowed she would never return. But here she is, taking refuge after a car crash that claimed the life of a teammate. Haunted by guilt and bitter over the injuries that have ended her Olympic dream, she is in no mood to be hit on by a player like Grace, who acts like she’s doing her some kind of favor.

As sparks fly between the two women, Annabel Worth, the owner of the island, refuses to sell her home to the chemicals conglomerate, but then her plane goes down in the Pacific under suspicious circumstances. 

Originally published 1993; first Bold Strokes Books edition.

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The Sacred Shore

By Jennifer Fulton

Moon Island Series | Book 3
Second Chance at Love

Why risk falling in love, when trusting again feels impossible?

Merris Randall doesn’t believe in love at first sight. Then she meets Olivia Pearce. The attraction between them is inescapable, but Olivia is deeply scarred from a damaging relationship and has vowed never to love again. Merris can relate. Until her divorce, her life had also looked perfect on the surface.

Dismayed when Olivia leaves town for a long vacation on Moon Island, Merris decides to travel there, too, as if by coincidence. Not cool. But playing by the rules has not panned out, either.

She is not the only guest conflicted over ethics. Anthropologist Dr. Glenn Howick must decide how far she’ll go, exploiting the spirituality of another culture for her career ends. Then there’s Riley Mason, a postgrad student whose love threatens both Glenn’s reputation and her most secret self.

With preparations under way for the secret rituals that celebrate the guardian goddess of the island, the island’s owners, Cody and Annabel, find themselves at odds over a tough decision. Annabel’s cousin Melanie has come to them with a young baby and a desperate problem. 

Originally published 2004; first Bold Strokes Books edition.

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A Place to Rest

By Erin Dutton

Workplace Romance

Sawyer Drake has never known what she wants—except it isn't working in the family restaurant, which is what everyone expects. In order to outrun her destiny, or at least delay the inevitable, she bounces from job to job—and woman to woman. Nothing keeps her attention for very long. Nothing, that is, until she meets shy pastry chef Jori Diamantina. But Jori has no intention of risking the job she loves and a life she's comfortable with for a passing fling with Sawyer, no matter how strong the attraction. Sawyer has no idea what she wants from Jori, or from life, but she's about to find out—because Jori makes her want to stop running.

A Place to Rest is a touching romance about the beauty of finally discovering where you belong.

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Lethal Affairs

By Kim Baldwin and Others

Elite Operatives Series | Book 1
International Setting

Love has never been more lethal.

Elite operative Domino is no stranger to peril and impossible situations. Trained all her life to be just as comfortable fighting terrorists as mixing with the gala crowd, she is proficient at playing any role necessary to accomplish her objective and believes the cause sanctifies the means. But her latest assignment to investigate journalist Hayley Ward will test more than her skills, ingenuity, and courage, because this time she faces the ultimate dilemma: a choice between loyalty and love.

First in the Elite Operatives romantic intrigue series.

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Finding Home

By Georgia Beers

Second Chance at Love

Rigid and predictable.

Sarah Buchanan would never in a million years have used those words to describe herself. Never. But it's been almost a year since her longtime girlfriend left her for a man, and she's suddenly realized that those words now describe her with frightening accuracy, along with one more: boring. Deciding it's time to escape her disaster of a life, at least long enough to turn it around, she takes a temporary position with her company overseas. The hardest part is leaving her blue-eyed dog, Bentley, behind. But at least he's in the capable hands of her family. She thinks.

Natalie Fox is the exact opposite of Sarah. She's flighty, spontaneous, and lives in The Now. It's how she's always been, and for better or for worse, Natalie loves her carefree life. When she finds a stray, skinny, terrified dog with blue eyes outside the coffee shop where she works and decides to adopt him as her own, things seem just about perfect to her.

Take two stubborn, polar opposites with an attraction for one another they're trying desperately to ignore; throw in a couple of wise Italians, a handful of quirky friends, some homemade cannoli, and a far-too-observant dog; stir vigorously, then sit back, relax, and enjoy...

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Word of Honor

By Radclyffe

Honor Series | Book 7

All Cameron Roberts and Blair Powell want is a small intimate wedding, but the paparazzi and a domestic terrorist have other plans.

First Daughter Blair Powell and her lover Cameron Roberts, newly appointed deputy director of the Homeland Security Office, escape to a ski chalet in the Rockies after a harrowing attack by members of a domestic terrorism organization. Under orders from the White House, Blair reluctantly allows a member of the "enemy camp," investigative reporter Dana Barnett, to join her inner circle in the hopes of limiting her media exposure. Dana isn't any happier about being pulled from her coverage of the escalating conflict in the Middle East to write a society "fluff piece," although the presence of beautiful Dr. Emory Constantine does make the assignment a little more enticing.

With the nation under attack, the world on the verge of war, and their personal lives the focus of intense public scrutiny, Cam and Blair come under fire both publicly and privately when an old nemesis resurfaces intent on finishing his holy mission: to kill Blair Powell.

Seventh book in the Honor series.

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Thirteen Hours

By Meghan O'Brien

Close Quarters
Enemies to Lovers Romance
Workplace Romance
Good girls/Bad girls

Can you fall in love in thirteen hours?

It's her birthday but lonely workaholic Dana Watts is at the office late, drafting a proposal. The very last interruption she expects comes in the form of the most beautiful breasts she has ever seen. These belong to an incredibly hot woman, who is standing in front of her, stripping to music.

Laurel Stanley performs strip-o-grams to pay her way through school. She has never encountered a more ungrateful recipient than Dana. The uptight project manager makes it clear that she is furious to be distracted from her work by the gift a colleague sent and equally appalled by Laurel's occupation.

After Dana is rude and insulting, and insists on escorting Laurel from the building, the two women take an elevator ride that changes everything. Stuck with each other for thirteen long hours after the elevator breaks down, they discover how wrong first impressions can be and how right two strangers can feel together.

Can everything change in less than a day? Dana and Laurel set out to discover if their passionate elevator encounter can mean more in this fast-paced, erotic story of lust, loneliness, fantasy, and desire.

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Deal with the Devil

By Ali Vali

Financial gap/Class disparity
Good girls/Bad girls
Cain Casey Series | Book 3
Children / Families
Federal Agents
New OrleansĀ 

It's business as usual for crime boss Cain Casey as she maneuvers to form an alliance with the Jatibon organization and secure peace among the ruling families in New Orleans. Cain's new associate Remington Jatibon is a lot like Cain used to be—a playgirl with a passion for bedding beautiful women and an even greater passion for expanding her father's empire, on both sides of the law. When Remi meets Dallas Montgomery, a budding actress working for the studio Remi's father has just acquired, she finds that there is more to Dallas than is included in her press pages.

Meanwhile, on the home front, life is anything but routine as Cain and Emma hope to conceive another child. Little do they know an old enemy is about to surface bent on revenge on Cain, and what better way than to take what Cain values above all else—her wife.

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Naked Heart

By Jennifer Fulton

Can two women who trust no one risk all and trust each other?

Raised by a single mother on the wrong side of the tracks, Unity Vaughan has fought for everything she's ever achieved. Now, having made a breakthrough discovery at her biotech company, she finds her business a target for industrial espionage and a hostile takeover. She needs an expert to watch her back and spy on her enemies, which is how she finds herself in a bizarre nightclub trying to hire a woman with a flogger in one hand, a camera in the other, and a pair of corseted twins fondling her body.

Penn Harte makes her living the way lots of former CIA agents do, selling her unusual skills to the highest bidder. Lately she's also been doing her best friend Lila a favor by helping out in Lila's upscale fetish club. When Unity approaches Penn with an offer to work for her, Penn can't believe her luckshe's already been hired by Unity's biggest enemy, who wants a blackmail tape. Penn figures she'll have Unity, the perfect subject for seduction, on film in a compromising position within days. The problem is, Penn doesn't know if she can see Unity as just another job.

Power, passion, sex, and danger drive a high stakes plot in this gripping erotic romance.

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By Julie Cannon


Two strangers collide on an empty country road...accident or fate?

Political strategist Rachel Stanton, jaded and disillusioned by the scratching, clawing, and mudslinging of the campaign trail, books a week at the Springdale Ranch for a much-needed vacation. Springdale sounds like just the place to exorcise unhappy childhood memories and straighten out her head. Shivley McCoy has spent the last four years casting out her own painful past, working and sweating to make her ranch a successful business venture. She has nothing in common with fast-living Rachel Stanton, and after their inauspicious first meeting, is quite certain she'll never see her again.

Shivley is thrown when she comes face-to-face with Rachel among her group of new arrivals, and sparks of a most unexpected sort ignite.

We have to stop meeting like this. People might talk.

And what would they say?

That we're madly in love and can't bear to be apart.

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The Lonely Hearts Club

By Radclyffe

Second Chance at Love
Medical Romance

Take three friends, add two ex-lovers and several new ones, then mix with more secrets than any of them know--and the result is a recipe for explosive rivalries and incendiary romance. Attorney Liz Ramsey thought she had everything--a devoted partner, a challenging job, and plans for a family in the making. Unfortunately, her life takes a turn, and she ends up alone and in the kind of trouble she never dreamed of. Then she bumps into--literally--young surgeon Reilly Danvers, and life gets even more complicated. Liz's two best friends offer all the support she needs, but they have secrets of their own. Candace Lory, a high-powered commodities trader and swinging playgirl, meets her match when she hooks up with corporate attorney, Parker Jones. Brenda Beal, the only member of the group who hasn't slept with every available woman, prefers to fantasize about a perfect lover, especially if she's obedient and willing to do anything Bren orders. A surprise birthday outing and a dashing, dark-eyed submissive transform Bren's fantasies into reality and her dark secrets into delicious pleasures.

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Learning Curve

By Rachel Spangler

Ashton Clarke, a local Casanova with a long history of falling into bed with a different woman every night, is perfectly content with her free and easy existence until she gives in to her best friend's request to spend an evening helping out at the local gay and lesbian youth center. There, Ash meets Carrie Fletcher, a women's studies professor who not only intrigues Ash but causes her to question the direction her life has taken. As if this disquieting attraction isn't aggravating enough, Ash is forced to deal with Carrie's teenage neighbor Tess, whose bad attitude and biting wit seem to complicate every situation. Ash doesn't want to be attracted to Carrie, who isn't looking for a relationship with anyone, and Tess is angry at the world, but especially, it seems, with Ash. Despite resistance on the part of all three women, it soon becomes obvious that the trio's destinies are hopelessly intertwined and the lessons in store will change all their lives.

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Fully Involved

By Erin Dutton

Women in Uniform
First Responders
Holidays |
Children / Families

A love that has smoldered for years ignites when two women and one little boy come together in the aftermath of tragedy.

An early morning hotel fire turns out to be anything but routine, and firefighter Reid Webb's best friend and partner, Jimmy Grant, dies. Guilt-ridden and grieving, Reid feels responsible for her partner's young son, Chase. She would do anything for him, even if that means spending far too much time in the company of the woman she's harbored feelings for since high school. Isabel Grant doesn't know anything about raising children. But when she returns to her hometown to assume custody of her orphaned nephew, she gets a crash course. Isabel's struggle to keep her footing in the midst of chaos is further complicated by her growing attraction to Reid, a woman whom Isabel blames for her brother's death.

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Heart 2 Heart

By Julie Cannon

Medical Romance
Police / Cops
Women in Uniform
Second Chance at Love

When love is more than a matter of the heart...heartbreak may be unavoidable.

In the aftermath of a shattering personal loss, Detective Kyle Bain buries her pain in the routine of fulfilling her professional and family obligations. When she meets Lane Connor, the owner of a popular restaurant on the shores of the Pacific Ocean who is struggling with a broken heart of her own, the chance for happiness suddenly seems possible. As Lane and Kyle take the first tentative steps toward rebuilding their lives and exploring the attraction between them, Kyle makes a shocking discovery about the woman she is coming to love. Can Kyle and Lane find a way to heal the damage that threatens the fragile ties that bind them, heart to heart?

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