Heckin' Lewd: Trans and Nonbinary Erotica

Heckin' Lewd: Trans and Nonbinary Erotica
By Mx. Nillin Lore

If you've been searching for smutty, fearless, gender diverse erotica written by affirming own-voices folks who get it, then this is the book you’ve been looking for! Packed with explicit erotic stories from trans and nonbinary gender diverse writers, Heckin’ Lewd celebrates sexual nonconformity, queerness, nontraditional relationship structures, and unrestrained lust, pleasure, and kink.

Cover Artist: Inkspiral Design
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Release Date  
Words   51,000
Pages   240
ISBN-13  978-1-63679-240-8
Paperback & eBook Bundle

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Heckin' Lewd: Trans and Nonbinary Erotica

Heckin' Lewd: Trans and Nonbinary Erotica


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