The Haunting of Oak Springs

By Crin Claxton

Friends & Community
Amateur Sleuths
A Supernatural Detective Novel

Ghosts are rising at Oak Springs farm, and supernatural detective Tony Carson is facing her deepest mystery yet. Tony and her Trinidadian best friend, Jade, unravel clues searching for a woman who doesn’t want to be found.

Red and Chris are the last two lesbians living on what was once a women’s land farm, oblivious to the secrets buried around them. If the developers start digging before Tony finds the ghost’s accomplice, then Red and Chris are in trouble. When an old enemy returns to the village, will the rural community of Wooly Mill side with Oak Springs, or will homophobic history repeat itself?

And while Tony and Jade are rallying the women’s group, a devious plan is spinning around them. The supernatural detective needs to watch her step. The past has long fingernails, and they’re clawing at the ground beneath Tony’s feet.

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Pursuit: A Victorian Entertainment

By Felice Picano

International Setting

Handsome, intelligent, street-smart, ruthlessly ambitious, and omnisexual, young Addison Grimmins has been hired by the Lord Exchequer of England to be his second and to do what Lord R. cannot do himself. After a country estate wedding, the Marchioness of R. is discovered missing. Is it a kidnapping or…a more sinister plot? Addison vows to find her and bring her back no matter what it takes. It is the 1880s and despite only letters, bribed information, and telegrams as communication; despite only horse, coach, and train service as transportation, Addison tracks Lady R. across Europe, via the strangest people and places: from Venetian palaces to opium dens. Who and what he discovers about her, and more fatefully about his own life, will lead Addison to the crisis of his life, an extraordinary decision, and a stiletto duel with his most implacable foe.

And don't miss the sequel, Pursued: Lillian's Story

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Maxine Wore Black

By Nora Olsen

Young Adult
Maxine is the girl of Jayla's dreams: she's charming, magnetic, and loves Jayla for her transgender self. There's only one problem with Maxineshe already has a girlfriend, perfect Becky.

Jayla quickly falls under Maxine's spell, and she's willing to do anything to win her. But when Becky turns up dead, Jayla is pulled into a tangle of deceit, lies, and murder. Now Jayla is forced to choose between love and the truth.

Jayla will need all the strength she has to escape the darkness that threatens to take her very life.
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